Nov 17, 2022

Opening Week Thoughts (2022-23)

As stated in the opening week article, I'm going to give my review of the season up to games played through Sun Nov 20. A lot of important games have been played, as well as a few preseason tournaments, and the commentary below is my gut reactions to what I was seeing in the game. If you're reading my blog for the first time or reading this article in March in hopes of improving your bracket picking, I follow the game both visually and statistically. I decided over the off-season that I would write articles like this one in order to document my bias. As the season progresses, I hope to be able to separate my personal bias from the numbers, and this article is part of the process.

Nov 12, 2022

2023 Experienced Talent Model (Pre-Season Update)

If you saw the article schedule on the right-hand side of the blog, you may have noticed I jokingly labeled this model as the PPB Top 25. I personally think rankings are meaningless and wouldn't care if they were removed from all sports. However, if I had to do a pre-season ranking system, I think the ET Model would be a great substitute for a Top 25 poll, especially since it factors in two of the attributes I consider important to the NCAA tournament. In a way, it anticipates not only who is good at the start of the season but also who has the chances of being the last one standing at the end. Granted, the 2021 ETM Top 25 didn't project the eventual National Champion, but it wasn't far off and it produced some other gems along the way. So let's take a look at the 2022-23 ETM.

Nov 1, 2022

Welcome to the 2022-23 College Basketball Season

First as always, let me welcome you to PPB's coverage of the 2022-2023 college basketball season. It's another chance to accomplish our goal of perfectly predicting a NCAA bracket. Second, I'm going to start this season in the same fashion as past seasons: A review of the lessons learned followed by a grading section. Let's get started!