Dec 23, 2018

Return and Improve Model: 2018 Revisited

I was unsure about the topic I wanted to discuss for this last article before the January Edition of the Quality Curve Analysis. Of the four articles I have written for this current season, three of them have focused on the 2018 tournament and the lessons learned from it. Since the January QC Article will pivot our entire attention to the 2019 tournament and 75% of the articles leading up to it have been 2018-centric, I think one more article about 2018's wild ride would be fitting. It's not like it could hurt.

Anyways, I'm going to take a second look at the Return & Improve Model. I first revealed this model for the 2017 tournament (Link to the article if you wanted to refresh your memory). I wanted to do a quick article on it during 2018's Crunch Week, but I.R.L. things popped up on that Wednesday and forced me to put it aside. It may have been for the better since some of the findings in this article could only have been discovered ex post facto. So let's jump right into it.

Dec 7, 2018

Warming Up the Crystal Ball: 2018-19 Edition

If you are an avid reader of my blog -- and if you're not, then now is a good time to start -- you may remember I did a post in the 2016-17 season with a similar title. No, I won't be providing a link to that article like I normally do, but the article appeared in December of 2016 if you want to look it up. This article will be another attempt at preseason prognostication in December, but in a different fashion than the previous article (which is why I didn't link it). Let's get to it.