Nov 20, 2017

Unorthodox Bracket-Picking Methods

If you have followed Bracket Science in the past or PPB currently, you are already familiar with the mainstream bracket-picking tools, such as F4/Champ Contender/Pretender Rules, Upset/Victim Rules, QC/SC Analysis, and Aggregate Value Estimation. Tools like these are mainstream due to a number of reasons, including but not limited to reliability in accurate picks, time/cost efficiency in creation, and simplicity in application. Not all bracket-picking methods have these qualities, and usually this results in the method being passed over for one that does have them. Since we at PPB are always trying to break the norms and raise our head above the crowd to gain newer or better insights, I thought I would dig up one of my first bracket-picking systems and use it as the basis of this article on unorthodox methods.

Nov 6, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-18 College Basketball Season

Just as the title says, Welcome to a new season of college basketball. I'm excited to bring back Project: Perfect Bracket for a third season, and as always, the goal is to do what no one has done before: Pick a "PERFECT" 63-game NCAA tournament bracket.

Before I grade myself on last season's performace, I want to give you a pretty firm outlook of what to expect on PPB for the whole season. In the first year (2015-16), I was pretty disorganized and pretty erratic in scheduling that I literally over-worked myself to the point of not producing a bracket (other than my gut picks as soon as the bracket is revealed). I definitely didn't make this mistake in the 2016-17 season, but I did make new ones (all the more from which to learn). I doubt I have it completely figured out for the 2017-18 either, but if I don't make the same planning/preparation mistakes of the last two years, then it should have my best year yet. So, what can you expect this season?