Mar 16, 2017

Return and Improve Model

Too Long/Didn't Read: The introduction is a very long story on how I came up with the idea of Returning Players and Improving Tournament Performance. It may waste your time! This will also be a rather quick article because I'm going to do significant back-testing to this model (and many others) over the summer and present the content in the 2017-18 season.

Mar 14, 2017

2017 Quality Curve Analyis - Final Edition

The 2017 NCAA Tournament bracket has been revealed and we know the 68 teams who will be playing. The best part of all: The narrowing of the basketball landscape to these 68 teams means we can finally take a look at the elusive Seed Curve (SC). This article is going to be pretty straight-forward, so here is the run-down if you are interested:
  1. Catching up to speed from the March Edition to the Final Edition
  2. Comparison of the 2017 QC to the 2017 SC
  3. Breakdown of the 2017 SC and comparisons to previous years

Mar 2, 2017

2017 Quality Curve - March Edition

How's everyone doing? It's the 1st day of March, which means a lot of things: the weather gets crazy (lion vs lamb), bracket scientists begin working a little harder and sleeping a little less, and most of all, it is the day that we set aside for Quality Curve Analysis for all games concluded up to February. This is definitely going to be an interesting one, so without further ado, let's jump right into it.

The Evolution of the 2017 Quality Curve

The first place that we must begin is an analysis of how the QC has progressed over the three time points of analysis, from the January analysis to the February analysis to the current one. I say a picture is worth a thousand words, so let's see what we have.